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КИМ 2010

Методические материалы

Проверь себя в ЕГЭ

Русский язык

















ТЕМА: It’s the thing you need.


  Цели: 1. Развитие творческой активности, языковой догадки и познавательной            самостоятельности учащихся.

          2.Усиление прикладной значимости иностранного языка как средства расширения общего кругозора, пополнения и углубления знаний в области информационных технологий.

 Задачи: 1. Практиковать учащихся во всех видах устной речевой деятельности.

  2.Совершенствовать основные навыки обработки текстовой   информации и умения работать в Microsoft Word с графическими объектами.

       3.Закрепить знания, умения и навыки полученные и сформированные на уроках информатики и иностранного языка.


Оборудование:  компьютеры, магнитофон, аудиокассета, принтер, раздаточный  материал для урока.



На доске: 1) тема        «It’s  the thing you need».

                  2) эпиграф «Man is still the most extraordinary thing of all»

                                                                                     John Kennedy

               3) календарь;

               4) слова для игровой разминки:



Diesel, the BBC, S.F.B. Morse, Germany, Sony, Nestle, Lego bricks, telegraph, Denmark, instant coffee, Japan, space, R. Diesel, Great Britain, Switzerland, Russia, the USA, Korolyev, helicopter, computer, O. K. Christiansen, I. Sykorsky, video cassette recorder, digital stereo sound system.


Ход урока:


·  Здравствуйте!

· Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Who is on duty today?

(Рапорт дежурного ученика)

Dear children, today we have an unusual lesson, because I and Elena Ivanovna decide to use integration of your favorite classes – English and Computer Science.you have been studying English since 5th grade. As for as I know you have been discussing the problems of computer science for only about three years and today as a result of your work with your teacher of computer science Elena Ivanovna you’ll  have an opportunity to use your knowledge in new situations. I’m far from imagining that all of you will become programmers, but I believe your knowledge will be use in your future occupation and everyday life.

·  Конечно, как и на любом другом уроке, вы сегодня получите оценки. Нина  Дмитриевна и я будем оценивать все виды вашей деятельности во время урока, заносив результаты в оценочную таблицу. А в конце урока вы получите две оценки - по информационным технологиям и английскому языку.

· I hope that you are well today and you are in a good mood, but you can evaluate your mood yourself. Draw a face according to your mood. Elena Ivanovna will help you.

·  Откройте текстовый документ «Face».

- Какая панель инструментов помогает пользователю создать изображение в текстовом редакторе? («Рисование»)

- Какими инструментами можно воспользоваться для создания изображения? (автофигурами)

- Какая операция ускорит вашу работу? (копирование)

С помощью автофигур панели «Рисования» создайте изображение, выражающее ваше настроение сейчас, используя минимальный набор элементов.


·        Are you ready? Please, comment your classmate’s mood one by one.

T: I think Sasha is good today.                                                                     


·        I see everybody is good and OK today. And let’s continue our lesson. From beginning our playing warming-up “The Great Inventions”. Look at the blackboard, there are many different words on it. Read the words. Do you know or hear about inventions, inventors and countries? Match the country, the name of inventor, the thing and compose the sentences. Some words can be used twice. You should use Passive Voice. Where and by whom were these inventions made exactly.

Diesel, the BBC, S.F.B. Morse, Germany, Sony, Nestle, Lego bricks, telegraph, Denmark, instant coffee, Japan, space, R. Diesel, Great Britain, Switzerland, Russia, the USA, Korolyev, helicopter, computer, O. K. Christiansen, I. Sykorsky, video cassette recorder, digital stereo sound system.



(P1: Diesel was invented by  R. Diesel in Germany, P2: helicopter, I.Sykorsky, Russia, P3: telegraph, S.F.B. Morse, the USA, P4: Lego Bricks, O.K. Christiansen, Denmark, P5: digital stereo sound system, the BBC, Great Britain, P6: instant coffee, Nestle, Switzerland,P7: video cassette recorder, Sony, Japan, P8: computer, Namun, the USA,P9: space, Korolyev, Russia.)

What do you know about these inventions? Let’s learn about some interesting and popular inventions. (2 сообщения об изобретениях)

·                    Ребята, а теперь выполним задание на комльютере.Создайте текстовый документ. Составьте таблицу, используя слова, данные на доске, сгруппируйте их в три столбика, присвойте каждой группе своё название – это и будут названия столбцов. Но таблица должна содержать столбцы с нумерацией строк, для того чтобы её можно было использовать на уроках английского языка как дидактический материал, в качестве тестового задания, поэтому слова в таблице расположите произвольно. Дайте таблице название.

- Что нужно сделать, чтобы данная таблица была правильно оформлена? (Отформатировать)

- Что можно форматировать в таблице?

(Шрифт, абзац)

Создайте таблицу на всю страницу.

·                                Do you use modern inventions in everyday life? Now we’ll work in a group of 3-4 persons. I want Dima, Igor and Vova to be leaders of your group. And others students will divide into groups. Choose the cards with numbers «1», «2», «3».

According your numbers choose the desks. Take your pens and copybooks.

In my opinion man is the most extraordinary thing in the world. Just imagine amount of inventions only of the 20th century! Important inventions were made in different countries. Some people think that technology will save the world and make it better, some others think that technology will ruin the society become we are too dependent on electric and electronic gadgets and machines.

Today we are going to speak  about things which are very familiar and interesting for you.

We’ll discuss what gadgets and machines people use and why people use them. Now each group will be given a card with the task. The leader of your group has to read the task.

Group1. Write and name three things that you can hardly live without. Why?

Group2. Write and name three things that you can sacrifice without too much reluctance. Why?

Group3. Choose three the most useful modern inventions and say why people use them.

· . Take the sheets. Let’s pronounce correctly the words you need to discuss your topic. Listen and repeat after me:

A camera, a microwave oven, a mobile telephone, an electronic game, a video recorder/ player,

a TV set, a vacuum cleaner, a videophone, a cordless phone, a talking alarm clock, a sewing machine, a computer, a solar powered calculator, a TV remote-control unit, a mover, a body building machine, a fax machine, roller blades, a dishwasher.

· Please, discuss the tasks in your group during 3 minutes. You should use modal verbs in your answers.

· Are you ready? Let’s discuss. Please, the first group repeat your task.

Leader1.  Write and name three things that you can hardly live without. Why?

P1: There are some things we couldn’t live without. They are………

      We think so because 1)



·         The second group please, repeat your task..

Leader2. Write and name three things that you can sacrifice without too much reluctance.

P1: There are some things we could sacrifice without too much reluctance. They are……..

      We think so become 1)



·        The third group, please. Read your task once more.

Leader : Choose three the most useful modern inventions and say why people use them.

P1:There are some useful modern inventions. In our opinion they are ………

·        What is the most useful modern invention and why?

P2: As for us and students of senior classes of our school the most important thing in our life today is computer.

·        Do you agree?

P3: Yes. I agree with this conclusion because today we cannot imagine life without it. Computer technology is the fastest – growing industry in the world. Computer revolution is changing our life and our language too. We are constantly making up new words or giving new meaning to old ones.

·        Do you agree or disagree?

P1: Yes, I agree, because…

·        Have you a computer at home?

Is your future profession will be connected with computer?

Are you going to be programmer?

 Is your hobby computer games?

Is your hobby computer programming?

How do you know computer?

·        And now repeat all the computer science terms and  match English and Russian equivalents of the terms:

Screen – экран

CD Rom - диск

Mouse - мышь

Keyboard - клавиатура

Disk drive - дисковод

Multitasking – многозадачный режим

Floppy disk – гибкий диск

Mouse pad/mat – коврик для мыши

Modem - модем

Laptop – переносной компьютер

Key - клавиша

Desk top – рабочий стол

·        Теперь давайте, выполним тест «Хорошо ли вы знаете компьютер?»  Перейдите к компьютеру. Обратите внимание, на системном блоке для вас расположена подсказка. Откройте документ «Test».

- Данный тест содержит 12 предложений, каждое из которых предполагает единственное утверждение. Вы должны в первую  ячейку, рядом со стрелкой вписать нужное слово, вторая ячейка понадобится вам  для  проверки правильности выполнения теста. Приступайте к выполнению теста. Сохраните документ.

·        Сверните данное окно до половины Рабочего Стола.

·        Откройте документ «The control test» аналогично на вторую половину Рабочего Стола. Сравните слова, вписанные вами и предлагаемые для проверки. Поставьте  в своей работе во вторую ячейку «+», если ответы совпали и «-», если они различны. Посчитайте количество «+» в вашей работе.

·        Найдите в документе «The control test» оценочную таблицу, выберите свою оценку. Я выставлю её в оценочную таблицу.  Сверните открытые окна.


·        I see you really know computer well.

            And now listen to the text “A polite computes”


Computers can solve difficult problems. One     day a famous general was given a computer which was able to answer complicated questions on war problems. The War Office also sent an expert to fix the Computer. The general had been thinking hard over an important military problem for quite a long time and the computer was brought at the right moment to help the general. It took the general ten minutes to set the problem. “The enemy just has opened fire from the south”. The general wanted to know what the results would be if he attacked the enemy or if he withdrew his army. The computer started to work at once. While the computer was being operated by the expert, the general watched the screen flashing. At last the answer was received “Yes”. The general’s face grew dark red. He shouted at the top of his voice: “Yes, what?” The computer got down to work again. “Yes, sir!” It was half an hour later when the next answer came. “Yes? sir!”

·        Listen to the text once more and answer the question

-Does Computer help the general?

- Why yes or no?


·        Ребята, теперь откройте документ «Text».

I couldn’t live without my computer at home.

My name is Kate. I use my computer all the time. It is like a typewriter and address book for me and it is also used for checking my spelling. Besides I can go on the Internet and discover everything about anything, it’s a brilliant source of information. I’ve designed my own website are I’m getting loads of information for school. Besides some websites are packed with quizzes, games and competitions, it’s all you need for hours of fun on computer. You can play and learn on it. It is absolutely essential. I don’t know how I ewer managed without it.

But my elder sister thinks people are getting a bit too dependent on computers. She thinks that we rely on them too much. My sister says, «You can’t rely on all the information, you don’t know who it has been written by or where it’s coming from. To be dependent on anything, especially a lifeless machine that can quite easily break down is not good. Besides computers shouldnt replace seeing your friends».     



- Что можно сказать о форме представления данной информации? (текст неотформатирован, не удобен для восприятия,… )

- Что значит отформатировать текст?         

- Выполните форматирование текста, используя задание на карточке:







1.Выполнить форматирование заголовка:

а) шрифт-«Arial»,размер шрифта- 18, начертание  - полужирное, цвет;

б) выравнивание – по центру.

2.Выполнить форматирование шрифта текста:

шрифт- «Times New Roman», размер шрифта – 14, начертание – обычное, цвет.

3.Выполнить форматирование абзацев:

выравнивание – по ширине, отступ слева-3, отступ справа -1, межстрочный интервал - полуторный, красная

строка- 1.




·        Read the text “I couldn’t live without my computer at home” and do the task.

My name is Kate. I use my computer all the time. It is like a typewriter and address book for me and it is also used for checking my spelling. Beside I can go on the internet and discover everything about anything, it’s a brilliant source of information I’ve designed   my own website and I’m getting loads of information for school. Besides some websites are packed with quizzes, games and competitions, it’s all you need for hours of fun on your computer. You can play and learn on it. It is absolutely essential. I don’t know how I ever managed without it. But my elder sister thinks people are getting a bit too dependent on computers. She thinks that we rely on them too much. My sister says, “You can’t rely on all the information, you don’t know who it has been written by or where it’s coming from. To be dependent on anything, especially a lifeless machine, that can quite easily break down, is not good. Besides computers shouldn’t replace seeing your friends.

                                                                     Task 1.

   Are the statements below true or fales ? (T or F)

1.                      Kate uses her PC for typing and keeping information.

2.                      Kate uses her computer to get information from the Internet.

3.                      Kate’s sister thinks it’s not clever to believe all facts stored on the Internet.

4.                      Kate’s sister considers electronic devices not reliable.


·        Давайте снимем напряжение с ваших мышц, выполним ряд упражнений:

- Примите удобное положение тела на стуле:

а) откиньтесь на спинку стула;

б) положите руки на колени.

- Не поднимая головы, посмотрите вверх, опустите глаза вниз, посмотрите вправо, влево. Повторите все эти движения ещё раз, концентрируйте внимание на отдалённых от вас предметах.

- Закройте глаза. Выполните круговые вращения вправо, влево, повторите несколько раз.

- Откройте глаза. Поморгайте веками несколько раз.

- Подушечками пальцев рук потрите мышцы шеи: сначала правой рукой, затем левой.

- Выполните медленный глубокий вдох и сильный выдох, повторите 3 раза. Музыка



Task 2

·        What are your arguments for and against the computer?

·        Ребята, представьте эту информацию в виде информационной модели – схема. Сегодня мы с вами уже поработали с рисунком, таблицей текстом. А теперь скажите: « Для чего используется схема?» (Для наглядного представления информации)

- Что можно применить для создания схемы? (Рисунки. автофигуры, текст)

- Для создания схемы Вы можете выбрать информацию из текста, который читали, а также использовать свой личный опыт и знания в пользу компьютера и против него.

·  Задайте вторую страницу в данном документе и выполните задание на ней.


·        Let’s discuss arguments for and against the computer.


·        What are your arguments for and against the computer?

·        P1—P2—P3…

·        Which of the arguments do you agree or disagree with?

·        P1—P2—P3…

·        Why do people like to have computers in everyday life?

·        P1—P2—P3…


·        We have discussed interesting and familiar thing for you. It’s time for word puzzle. Do this puzzle and you’ll read the name of one of   the most successful computer company in yellow column.

·              Откройте документ «Puzzle». Перед вами кроссворд, слова в который заносятся только по горизонтали, начиная с клеточки с указанным числом, заполняются только белые клеточки.



































































































1.     This small box is used to operate a computer.

2.     A document on your computer.

3.     A device which is used to transfer and texts to your computer.

4.     To make a computer better or able to do more things.

5.     This looks like a typewriter and has the keys you need to press.

6.     It can be hard. It can be floppy.

7.     A device which allows your computer to send messages along a telephone line.

8.     An unfriendly or rude e-mail.

9.     To start a computer.

·     You know there are a lot of inventions in the world. Some people like or dislike them, agree or disagree with their ideas. At home you’ll read some more interesting about inventors and inventions and compose the different kinds of sentences with the words on the blackboard.

·     Сейчас я прошу подойти к принтеру Скирмунт В.  и распечатать домашнее задание.

·     Dear students, I want you to comment the following words “Man is still the most extraordinary thing of all” P1—P2—P3

·      What can you say about our lesson? P1—P2—P3—P4…

·      Откройте документ «Face».

-Сейчас вы должны внести поправки в данное изображение: если ваше настроение изменилось, измените рисунок. Если оно осталось прежним, то дополните данное изображение элементами, украшающими и увеличивающими впечатление о вашем настроении.

(Раздать домашнее задание)


·        I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today and your mood. Your work was great. You were really great too! I liked it very much. I’m pleased with answers and work all of the students. Your marks…………… Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson for you and Elena Ivanovna.

·         Ребята, мне очень понравилось, как вы сегодня работали. Оценки за урок….Спасибо вам  и Нина Дмитриевне. Урок окончен.

·        The lesson is over. You may be free. See you on Thursday.

Home task


Task1.  Read the texts.


Inventors and Inventions

Barometer. A barometer is a device that measures air pressure. It measures the weight of the column of air that extends from the instrument to the top of the atmosphere. There are two types of barometers commonly used today, mercury and aneroid (meaning “fluidless”). Earlier water barometers (also known as “storm glasses”) date from the 17th century.

     The mercury barometer was invented by the Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647), a pupil of Galileo, in 1643. Torricelli inverted a glass tube filled with mercury into another container of mercury; the mercury in the tube “weighs” the air in the atmosphere above the tube. The aneroid barometer (using a spring a spring balance instead of a liquid) was invented by the French scientist Lucien Video in 1843. It is easy to transport and easy to construct.


Compound Microscope. Zach arias Janssen was a Dutch lens maker who invented the first compound microscope in 1595 (a compound microscope is one which has more than one lens). His microscope consisted of two tubes that slide within one another, and had a lens at each end. The microscope was focused by sliding the tubes. The lens in the eyepiece was bi-convex (building outwards on both sides), and the lens of the far end (the objective lens) was plano-convex (flat on one side and bulging outwards on the other side). This advanced microscope had a 3 to 9 times power of magnification. Robert Hook used an early microscope to observe slices of cork (bark from the oak tree) using a 30X power compound microscope. He published his observations in “Microgphia” in 1665.

           In 1673, Antony van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria, free-living and parasitic microscopic protests, blood cells, etc., using a 30X power single lens microscope.


Battery. A battery is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. Each battery has two electrodes, an anode (the positive end) and a cathode (the negative end). An electrical circuit runs between these two electrodes, going through a chemical called an electrolyte (which can be either liquid or solid). This unit consisting of two electrodes is called a cell (often called a voltaic cell or pile). Batteries are used to power many devices and make the spark that starts a gasoline engine.

Alessandro Volta was an Italian physicist invented the first chemical battery in 1800. the French physicist Caston Plant (1834-1889) invented a battery made from two lead plates joined by a wire and immersed in a sulfuric acid electrolyte; this was the first storage battery.

The dry cell battery was developed in the 1870s by Georges Leclanche of France, who used an electrolyte in the form of a paste.

Edison batteries (also called alkaline batteries) are an improved type of storage battery developed by Thomas Edison. These batteries have an alkaline electrolyte, and not an acid.




Task 2. Compose the different kinds of sentences with the following words.


Diesel, the BBC, S.F.B. Morse, Germany, Sony, Nestle, Lego bricks, telegraph, Denmark, instant coffee, Japan, space, R. Diesel, Great Britain, Switzerland, Russia, the USA, Korolyev, helicopter, computer, O. K. Christiansen, I. Sykorsky, video cassette recorder, digital stereo sound system.





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